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Who is this guy?

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Who is Mr MooQ?


When I was a  small child, my parents and I would visit my grandparents in a very remote part of North Dakota where there were no other children to play with.  While there, I invented an imaginary friend called Mr MooQ.  I don't remember much about this but I was teased by relatives for years saying, "Where is Mr MooQ?"  Years later when I began my music solo career, I was looking for a stage name that would be real to me and for some reason  Mr MooQ came back.

Now I am a seasoned artist with a cargo load of life experiences.  I like to write mostly love songs that tell a story and have a little depth.  Even though artists probably only get a partial listen or one complete listen to their songs these days, I like to hope that I can connect to all those special people out there that like good lyrics and can even appreciate a story with their music.  I love all music genres and try to combine musical styles and grooves without getting too weird or taking away from the vibe of the song.

I feel the first step in producing a great song is you really have to want to!  After some effort  there's a feeling, almost like an itch, an idea that comes into my mind.  I may even see a vision of the completed song.  The trick is then to hold on to it, to develop it, and with extreme persistence to master it, and bring it forth into reality.  This is most of the time very hard to do.

I also feel lyrics are really important. I  really don't think that I'm an intellectual but it is simply natural for me to write the way I write.  I do put a lot of effort and thought into the lyrics  but sometimes the best lines just kind of pop out. Everyday I just do my thing and try to keep getting better.

I am very thankful for all the people behind the scenes who are the real heroes. 

They make everything I write and produce so much better. 


Thank you!  

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